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The role of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose in batteries and selection methods


1. The role of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose in batteries

Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) plays an important role in the field of batteries, especially lithium-ion batteries.


CMC is a key binder component in battery electrodes. It can effectively bond active materials (such as positive and negative electrode materials), conductive agents, etc. together to form a stable electrode structure. Good bonding properties help prevent the active materials from falling off during the battery charging and discharging process, thereby ensuring the battery's cycle performance and service life.

Stabilize electrode structure

It helps maintain the porosity and microstructure of the electrode, provides a good channel for ion transmission, and improves the battery's rate performance and charge and discharge efficiency.

Improve electrode processing performance

CMC can increase the viscosity and stability of the electrode slurry, making it easier to coat and shape, and improve production efficiency and product consistency.

Improve battery safety

To a certain extent, it can inhibit the side reactions between the electrode material and the electrolyte, reduce the risk of thermal runaway, and enhance the safety performance of the battery.

2. How to choose sodium carboxymethyl cellulose

The following key factors need to be considered when selecting sodium carboxymethyl cellulose suitable for battery applications:

Degree of substitution

The degree of substitution is an indicator of the degree of substitution of carboxymethyl groups for hydroxyl groups in CMC molecules. A higher degree of substitution generally means better water solubility and bonding performance, but the cost may also increase accordingly. For battery applications, it is necessary to select CMC with a suitable degree of substitution according to the specific electrode formulation and performance requirements.

Molecular weight

The molecular weight will affect the viscosity and bonding strength of CMC. CMC with a higher molecular weight may provide stronger bonding, but may cause the fluidity of the electrode slurry to deteriorate. Therefore, it is necessary to find a balance between bonding performance and processing performance and select CMC with a suitable molecular weight.


High-purity CMC can reduce the adverse effects of impurities on battery performance. Impurities may cause problems such as increased internal resistance and capacity attenuation of the battery, so products with higher purity should be selected.

Electrochemical stability

Within the operating voltage range of the battery, CMC should have good electrochemical stability, without decomposition or adverse reactions with other battery components, to ensure long-term stable operation of the battery.

Supplier Reputation and Quality Control

Choose suppliers with good reputation and strict quality control system to ensure the quality and performance stability of CMC products.

In summary, the correct selection of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose is crucial to optimizing battery performance. It is necessary to comprehensively consider its chemical properties, physical properties and compatibility with other battery components, and determine the CMC product that is most suitable for a specific battery system through experiments and testing.

The role|sodium carboxymethyl cellulose|batteries|selection methods-Lude Chem