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Differences in the indicators of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose in the flotation of different ores


The indicators of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) in the flotation of different ores may vary, which mainly depends on the properties of the ore and the flotation conditions. The following are the characteristics of some common ore flotation and possible indicator ranges:

Gold ore flotation: Gold ore flotation usually requires the use of milder flotation conditions to avoid damage to gold. CMC can be used as a depressant to help reduce the flotation of gangue minerals and increase the recovery rate of gold. In gold ore flotation, the dosage of CMC is usually low, generally between 100-500 g/ton. Flotation indicators may include gold grade and recovery rate, etc.

Nickel ore flotation: Nickel ore flotation may require stronger flotation conditions to separate nickel minerals from complex ores. CMC can act as an adjuster in the flotation process to help improve the stability and selectivity of flotation foam. Indicators for nickel ore flotation may include nickel grade and recovery rate, etc.

Copper flotation: Copper flotation usually needs to be carried out at a higher pH value to promote the flotation of copper minerals. CMC can be used as a depressant to help reduce the flotation of gangue minerals and improve the recovery rate of copper. In copper flotation, the dosage of CMC is usually high, generally between 500-2000 g/ton. Flotation indicators may include copper grade and recovery rate, etc.

Pyrite flotation: Pyrite flotation usually requires the use of more intense flotation conditions to separate pyrite from other minerals. CMC can act as a regulator in the flotation process to help improve the stability and selectivity of flotation froth. Pyrite flotation indicators may include pyrite grade and recovery rate, etc.

It should be noted that these indicators are only a rough reference range, and the actual flotation indicators will be affected by many factors, including the properties of the ore, the selection and use of flotation reagents, and the performance of the flotation equipment. In practical applications, it is necessary to test and optimize according to the specific ore properties and flotation conditions to determine the best flotation indicators.

Differences|indicators|sodium carboxymethyl cellulose|flotation|different ores-Lude Chem