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The role of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-HVT in oil drilling


Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC-HVT) mainly has the following functions in oil drilling:

Viscosity-increasing effect: It helps to increase the viscosity of drilling fluid, improve the rheological properties of drilling fluid, and make it better carry cuttings.

Stabilize the well wall: Form a thin and tough filter cake, reduce the risk of well wall collapse, and maintain wellbore stability.

Reduce filtration loss: Reduce the filtration loss of drilling fluid to the formation and maintain the stability of drilling fluid performance.

Improve suspension ability: Make solid particles such as cuttings better suspended in the drilling fluid to prevent problems such as sand settling and drilling.

The role|sodium carboxymethyl cellulose|CMC-HVT|oil drilling-Lude Chem